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925 Dilger Ave #10 Rapid City, SD 57701

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3702 S. Westport Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Most Common Roofing Materials

It’s great to have choices. We personalize our homes with paint color, landscaping choices, and roofing materials.  Wait, roofing materials?  Yep. While changing your roof isn’t as common as changing the color of your house, it can have as great an impact on your curb appeal as a new coat of paint.  There are lots […]

What to Expect With a Roof Inspection

roof inspection

A healthy roof is what protects your home in the event of a storm or emergency event. It is essential to address current issues and roofing concerns, so you are not defenseless against wicked weather.  Having a roof inspection with professionals annually can save you unnecessary pain further down the road.  Paramount Exteriors is a […]