When a devastating storm sweeps through your neighborhood and damages your roof, the next question that comes to your mind is how to get money to pay for roof replacement.
It’s not the daunting task you might think it is. However, you need to follow every step to get the right share of compensation. Paramount Exteriors walks you through navigating insurance claims:
1. Secure your house
Travelers advise that if the storm damages your home, the top priority should be securing the house and the things inside from further destruction. The insurance company and the roofing contractor shouldn’t be at the top of your mind at that time.
There are valuable things in the house that can be damaged further if the roof continues to disintegrate. Remove these things and place them somewhere safe such as in a garage or a guesthouse.
If you wait until insurance agents come to ascertain the damage, you might lose a lot because the insurance company sometimes takes longer to cover your losses. Find a place to live until the roofing contractor repairs the roof.
2. Documentation is essential
Your insurance company can’t compensate you without becoming sure of what damaged your roof. You need to prove your claim, and you can’t do it by word of mouth. Thus, documentation is essential. Here’s how to do it:
- Take pictures of the damaged roof: Use a clear camera to do this since you need to capture the details of the damage.
- Date of purchase: when did you buy the house? Keep all these receipts and documents ready.
- Approximate value: you need to know how much you have lost during the storm. Using the documents and the photos, you can prove this easily.
- The date is important. If a storm occurs, newspapers or television stations will report it the following day. Keep the day’s paper and use it as evidence that the storm did occur and not anything else.
- Have your insurance information ready: before you contact your insurance company, you need to have your insurance information such as your name, email, policy number, and the phone number, which they can use to contact you quickly.
3. Understand your insurance’s policy
You need to understand your insurance policy if you’re thinking of how to get money to pay for roof replacement. Know what the policy covers to prepare for other additional costs.
Most insurers are restrictive when it comes to roof insurance because a roof is essential in protecting the house against damage. The damage on the roof can extend to more damages inside the house and cause more claims.
If your roof has gone for more than twenty years without inspection, the insurers can easily refuse to renew your current policy. Also, you might not get a new policy if your roof is above twenty years.
The best thing is to contact Paramount Exteriors to check out for damages and issue an inspection certificate. In case of a storm, you should always understand your insurance policy and know what it covers. We can help you with this task and make it easier to understand the process.
4. Contact a qualified roofing inspector
One of the most important things you can do that many homeowners don’t think about is reaching out to a qualified roofing inspector. A reputable company, like Paramount Exteriors, will come to your home and inspect the damage.
Oftentimes, while there is damage to your roof, it is better not to go through insurance. If your deductible is larger than the amount of damage, it might be better to leave insurance out of it.
A trustworthy company like Paramount Exteriors will provide a free inspection before you call your insurance company. We know how to navigate insurance claims and find the best solution for you.
5. Contact your insurance company
How you communicate with your insurance company will determine your compensation. It’s essential that you know how to communicate well, not only to get a fair rate but also to make the process fast.
Here’s the best way to do this:
- Document the communication in your diary: From the day you contacted the insurance company, keep track of the conversation in your journal.
- Your language matters: You need to write error-free letters to put out information clearly in your request letters, and when asked to reply to emails, and when stating the approximate value loss.
- Keep all your communication professional: Don’t talk to your insurance company the same way you speak to a friend. You’re in a business negotiation to have your roof repaired fast.
- Your attitude is essential: Don’t hurl frustrations regarding your loss when communicating with your insurance company. Be prompt, polite, and see how the process will be fast.
Any frustrations and negative attitude towards the company can make them see you as uncooperative and slows down the claim process.
6. File a claim
Filing a claim can be nerve-wracking sometimes. That’s why you need to work with us from the start. We take the whole challenging situation and battle out your claims until the insurers agree to your requests. Here’s what to do:
- Take the documents with you that show the affected area. The documents will act as concrete proof and assist in the claim process.
- Contact a roof professional to inspect and write the value of your roof. You might not be correct in estimating, but a roofing expert is. Let them check the roof seeding as well. The damage might have spread.
- Submit your claim before the deadline because insurers provide a limited window of time after a storm. Since insurers handle claims on a first come first served basis, you needn’t delay.
7. Contact a roofing contractor who can help you navigate insurance claims
Once insurers approve your application, you’re ready to repair your roof. Here’s how to hire an expert, like Paramount Exteriors, who gets it all:
- Ensure they’re certified: Certification is vital. Don’t hire someone without the right credential of the task.
- Hire experienced professionals: check the previous work of the contractor before you hire. Most of the time, you may ask around from neighbors or workmates if you no contractor in mind.
- Consider the cost: Sometimes, insurers cover a certain percentage of the repairs. You need to hire a contractor who will not drain your pocket.
It’s necessary that you follow the above steps because you need a fair deal. To make the process smooth, have concrete proof, file the claim at the right time, and communicate appropriately.
Has a storm damaged your roof and you’re thinking of how to get insurance to pay for roof replacement? We can guide you until you receive your fair share of compensation. Contact Paramount exteriors for a FREE inspection.